A Natural Balance
This refined garden is the perfect marriage of natural and man-made. With an almost whimsical feel to it, the landscape follows aspects of an English garden style and a more transitional style. A mix of interlocking brick pathways lead to a variety of sitting spots. Whether a bistro set in one corner, a wooden bench in another, or the main patio in the centre — there are many spots to slow down and reflect on life.
Crafted by Time Itself
Massive mismatched slabs of stone are surrounded by multiples species of groundcover and further enhance the organic feel. A bubbling granite water fountain anchors the landscape. Little touches complete the picture, with large, roughly-hewn boulders strewn throughout the garden as well as pleasant combinations of hedges and short retaining walls. A sundial sits
The overall look is polished without being too formal. This is an outdoor space that will grow alongside the homeowners.
Range of Investment
$50,000 - $75,000